7. 3. 2020.

Štapići sa maslinama - Olive Breadsticks

For English version please, scroll down. 
Danas sa vama delim recept za jednostavne štapiće sa maslinama. Ja sam ih ovaj put radila sa integralnim brašnom, možete ih raditi i sa običnim. Odlični su za doručak ili večeru, uz paradajz, maslinovo ulje, uz parče sira ili jogurt. Ljubitelji maslina izvolite.

SASTOJCI: (količina za 6-7 štapića)

300 gr brašna
150 ml mlake vode
1 velika kašika maslinovog ulja,
1 kašičica suvog kvasca
malo šećera
1 kašičica soli
bosiljak, ruzmarin i origano
250 gr seckanih maslina dobro oceđenih

U dublju šolju staviti kvasac, malo šećera i mlaku vodu i pustiti da kvasac počne da se diže, par minuta.
U dublju posudu pomešati brašno, so, začine i ulje, pa dodati mlaku vodu i kvasac i zamesiti testo. Na kraju dodati seckane masline. Testo će biti ređe, ali takvo i treba da bude. Premazati testo sa malo maslinovog ulja i ostaviti da se diže sat vremena. 
Nadošlo testo sipati na radnu površinu posutu brašnom, premesiti i rukama rastanjiti testo na debljine oko 1,5 cm. Testo iseći na trakice, tako da dobijete od ove smese 6 -7 štapića.
Lagano trake uvrnuti na površini posutoj brašnom, oblikujte štapiće i ređajte ih u pleh obložen pek papirom. 
Štapiće ne premazujete uljem. Količina je za 6-7 štapića, ukoliko vam treba više povećajte količine.

Uključiti rernu na 200 stepeni, a za to vreme oko 10 min ostaviti da štapići nadođu. Peći na 200 stepeni 10 minuta, onda smanjiti na 180 stepeni i peći još 10 minuta dok štapići ne porumene. Štapići će biti mekani unutra, a hrskavi spolja. 

English version

  • 300 gr  bread flour (white or whole wheat)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp  fast action dried yeast
  • 150 ml warm water
  • pinch of sugar 
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 250 gr chopped olives – well drained
  • basil, oregano and rosemary 

Put the water, dried yeast  and sugar in the mug. Let it sit for 5 minutes. 
In the bowl put flour, add salt and herbs, then add olive oil, water and yeast. Mix all together and knead the dough until smooth. The dough should be wet and easy to stretch when pulled. Add the chopped olives and mix with your hands or a spoon until evenly distributed in the dough. 
Grease the container and dough with oil, cover the container with clingfilm, and let the dough to double size at least for one hour.
Heavily dust the worktop with flour and tip the dough onto the floury surface.
The dough will be very loose and flowing but don’t worry – that is fine.  Dust the top of the dough with flour and then gently stretch it out with your fingertips until it’s about 1.5 cm thick. Now cut the dough with the knife on 6-7 stripes. Gently twist stripes onto the floury surface and make sticks.
Place sticks on the baking pan with baking paper.
Heat the oven to 200C. After 10 minutes, place in the heated oven and bake for 10 minutes on 200C, the 10 minutes more on 180C until golden. 
You should get 6-7 sticks from this amount of dough, if you want more, increase the ingredients.